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Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  Milk is Available and the Newsletter...

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Greetings Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Members:

Please Note: Milk is available in glass jars! The numbers did not get updated until Sunday late afternoon! Apologies…

I hope this finds you all well and that you enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather doing something fun with family and friends. I spent a wonderful afternoon in Ellajay at the Apple Festival. Good friends, good food, beautiful weather .. can’t ask for more than that.

Market News

ALL Markets now close at 6:00pm on Monday! If Market minimums are not met, an email will be sent after ordering closes and all orders cancelled for the week.

Lauren Stephens is doing a great job coordinating the Crossfit O-Zone / Lawrenceville Market. I am sure that most of you have met her by now!

Please put her phone number in your contact list so if you have any issues on Market day you can contact Lauren directly.

Lauren Stephens 678-622-8508

Crossfit O-Zone/ The Lawrenceville Market will pickup between 4:30 and 6:30pm on Thursday. If you are unable to pick up during this time frame, please let Lauren know. Since this location has ‘permanent space’, alternate arrangements are possible, but you will need to let her know that is your intention!

Vicky and Steve of Fry Farm are adding to their offerings as the Fall crops come in! This week they have some new Winter Veggies for us. They include: Arugula, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, ‘Black Tuscan’ as well as ‘Red Russian’ Kale, Popcorn and French Breakfast Radishes. Have you every sauteed Radishes? Try it with these and I think you will be totally surprised at how wonderful they are fixed this way! Also the Golden Nugget Squash are quite good and I am enjoying baking them! The Black Lab has been enjoying them too!

I spoke with Doug of Doug’s Garden yesterday and although he does have some items coming in, it just isn’t enough to be able to supply all of the Markets quite yet. He anticipates veggies will be coming in nicely next week, so be sure and look for his offerings at Market next week!

Ricky Brown of Back River Farm is also waiting for Winter Veggies to harvest. At present, Ricky is offering: Chocolate Peppers, Flavorburst Bell Peppers, Eggplant and Arugula! Keep an eye out for other items in the next week!

Andrew and his crew at The Veggie Patch have a plethora of Winter Seedlings, (oh, how I miss my garden!) Fow The current harvest include Arugula, Broccoli Crowns, Cucumbers, 4 varieties of Eggplant, 3 types of Kale, 2 Lettuces, Napa Cabbage, Okra, Sweet Bell Peppers and many types of Hot Peppers — from mild to call-the-fire-department-my mouth-is-on-fire HOT!!! They are also offering a Salad Mix, Swiss Chard, Squash, Tatsoi and Mized Cherry Tomatoes. Also, don’t forget to check out their Herb offerings. In addition, they list some Ready to Eat Products…sauces, soups, sure and check them out!

Jeff and Tammy of Peachfield Farm are offering ‘Beefsteak Tomatoes’ this week and Jeff tells me they will have more offerings in the near future. Fried Green Tomatoes have been a staple these last few weeks and they are wonderful. I didn’t see any listed this week; however, the Beefsteaks are flavorful and I love having good tomatoes in October! We will have these until Spring because they are grown hydroponically!

I haven’t checked with Marie of Bakery on Brooks to know if we will have items for sale at Markets this week; however, when I send the Reminder email, I will let you know!

Dabrielle of My Daily Bread has both Blueberry Jam and Pear Preserves on Special this week! Also, Challah is now available in the Market offerings. This bread always looks so ‘picture perfect’ and folks love the texture and taste! Unfortunately since I am gluten free, I have to listen as others RAVE about this great bread!

Because Dabrielle bakes with Organic ingredients, preservatives are never used in any of her products! So, how do you keep them fresh? Take out what you will use Market day and the next day and put the rest in the fridge. Before using what you then take from the fridge, let it come to room temp – and you are good to go! One trick that I use is I make a foil pouch and put a couple of slices of bread in it and pop it in the toaster oven on 250 for about 5 minutes! This warms the bread and it really tastes like it is freshly baked!

A Few Volunteers Still Needed

Please consider helping out Lauren, your Market Coordinator on pickup day! She works very hard to organize, setup and serve your needs! She could use assistance between 2:00pm and 4:00pm when she is setting up and Market and accepting deliveries from Farmers.

If you are interested in helping out at the Market, please contact Market Volunteer Coordinator, Chance Claar-Pressley. You can email Chance at . We love helpers and Chance loves coordinating this effort for us! Please let her know you intend to help and she will gladly put you on the schedule and notify Maryanne and the Market Coordinators.

…this and that…

Markets orders have always varied slightly from week to week. The last month shows a good week (meeting a minimum of $650) to doubling the minimum the following week, to NOT meeting the minimum. I am at a loss to explain this or plan for the huge fluctuations. Your input is needed and appreciated…

Thank you for taking the time to read this missive!

Please know that we appreciate the support of Crossfit O-Zone Gym for the use of the great spaces for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Crossfit Market!
Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Hamilton Mill Market!
Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Lilburn Market!

Order now since you are just a click way!

Happy shopping!

Take me to the Lilburn Market
Take me to the Crossfit Market

Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!

Oglethorpe Fresh Locally Grown:  Oglethorpe Locally Grown Update

Don,t forget the Market

We Have Sweet Potato and fresh mixed greens coming in coming from our growers.

Quick reminder to our Oglethorpe Locally Grown Friends: market opened at 6:00 Sunday,October 19 for Wednesday, October 22 pick-up. Wednesday pick-up days are quite lively from 4-7 p.m. with extras from the growers, meet a grower and check out the rest of all that is Oglethorpe Fresh, 111 South Platt Street. First 100 customers $15 annual membership waived. Tell a friend and We hope to see you there
Posted by Walter

Cedar Grove Farm:  CSA Availability for 10/22

What’s new this week? Cabbages, spinach, dill and cilantro. Enjoy the offerings!

Cedar Grove Farm

Cedar Grove Farm:  CSA Availability for 10/22

What’s new this week? Cabbages, spinach, dill and cilantro. Enjoy the offerings!

Cedar Grove Farm

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Weekly Product List

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

Yay for fall! Each week brings great new products to the market. We’ll continue to run the market through the winter with items changing each week, so make sure you try everything while it lasts and get some extras of your favorites to store for later!

New this week—Beyond Organics has Dinosaur kale, also called Lacinato or Toscano kale, plus lettuce spring mix. Green Fork Farm has Chinese cabbage, beet greens, Asian salad or braising mix, romaine lettuce, and sweet potatoes.

Also available this week:

*Vegetables*—arugula, lettuce, spinach, pumpkins, radishes, green onions, turnip greens, elephant garlic, butternut squash, bell peppers, Anaheims, sweet banana peppers, jalapenos, and serranos.

*Mushrooms*—fresh log-grown Shiitakes.

*Herbs*—green basil, Thai basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, sage, lemongrass, lovage, and mixed Italian herbs.

*Meat*—pastured chicken, lamb, organ meats, soup bones, and parts for stock.

*Eggs*—Chicken and duck eggs, grown on pasture and organic grains.

Specialty foods—fermented sauerkraut and jalapenos, salsa made from local and organic ingredients, and olive oil from organic California-grown olives.

Botanical bath and beauty products—soap, lip balm, mouthwash, scented oil, facial elixir, and muscle salve.

Place your order from now until Tuesday at noon for pickup on Wednesday 4-7 pm. We will also have extras for sale on our tables.

Our farmers work hard to bring you the highest quality, healthiest products possible, grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Go ahead and place an order this week, and we’ll see you on Wednesday.

Thanks so much,

Green Fork Farmers Market

Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books
205 W. Dickson St.
Fayetteville, AR

To place your order, click on the link below to enter the website. Sign in as a customer, then click on the icon next to each product you wish to order. Proceed to checkout, review the list to make sure it’s correct, then scroll to the bottom and click on Place This Order. Make sure you receive a confirmation email—if you don’t, your order was not processed. Payment is at the market pickup with cash, check, debit/credit card, EBT, and Senior FMNP coupons. Ask about our doubling program for EBT and SFMNP!

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest for October 19th

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


Meatballs Over Greens
A nice change from pasta!

Serves 4
1 pound ground meat
1/4 cup grated onion, from 1/2 small to medium onion
1 large egg
1/3 cup breadcrumbs
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 whole cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups tomato sauce, homemade or store-bought
2 pounds greens, such as broccoli rabe, kale, mustard greens, washed, de-veined, and roughly chopped
Shaved Parmesan, to serve, optional

Combine the meat, onion, egg, breadcrumbs, cheese, garlic, salt, pepper, and parsley in a large bowl. Mix with your hands until all of the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Begin heating a large pot of salted water for the cooking the greens while you shape and cook the meatballs.

Roll the meat mixture into 1 1/4-inch meatballs and place on a tray or in a pan. You should have between 26 and 30 meatballs.

Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet or sauté pan. Place the meatballs in the hot skillet and brown for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Use tongs to gently rotate the meatballs so they brown evenly. (If your pan isn’t large enough to brown all of the meatballs without them touching, cook them in batches and place them back on the cookie sheet once they’ve been browned. Then combine them back in the pan before simmering with the tomato sauce.)

Reduce the heat to medium, add the tomato sauce, and cover the pan. Simmer the meatballs and sauce for another 10 minutes, or until meatballs are cooked through.

While the meatballs are simmering, boil the greens in the salted water for 8 to 10 minutes, until tender. Drain. (You can also sauté or stir-fry the greens in a hot skillet with oil if preferred.)

To serve, put greens on the plate and top with meatballs and sauce.

Recipe Notes
To prevent the meatballs sticking to the pan, make sure it is hot before adding the meatballs, and brown thoroughly before trying to turn them. They should release easily once browned.
Storage: Store the meatballs in their sauce for up to 3 days in the fridge. Freeze cooked meatballs and sauce for up to 3 months.

Market News


It’s a beautiful Fall week ahead, and we have a great selection of veggies for you. There are a few summer crops, like the peppers, still hanging on until frost. Wonder when that will be? So far this year we are later than last year.

The Bloomy Rind is back this week with a new cheese selection, and don’t forget Little Seed Farm and their fantastic selection of soaps!

Thanksgiving time is not far, and please include Fresh Harvest in your plans! We’ll be delivering that week on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We’ll have lots of good veggies as well as pre-order pies available from Dozen Bakery and cheese trays from The Bloomy Rind!

Wedge Oak Farm has put their reservations up for their turkeys at Thanksgiving. There is a $25.00 deposit which is paid at the time of making the reservation, and then the rest is due at pick up. You will be contacted by Wedge Oak asking what size turkey preference you have. These turkeys will be frozen, so pick up will probably be the Wednesday a week before Thanksgiving. Details to be worked out soon!

Once again, thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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The Wednesday Market:  The Market is Open

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. on Monday. Orders are ready for pick up on Wednesday between 3 and 6 p.m. Be sure to see the website for all of this week’s offerings. Here is the link:

We’ll see you on Wednesday!







I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while, because many of the much-awaited Fall Vegetables are available for the first time this week! New for the season from LEILANI’S is Buttercrunch Lettuce, Red Mustard Greens, Gonzales Cabbage, Bok Choi, plus they are adding Spinach, more Collards, Swiss Chard, Dinosaur Kale, and a Lettuce Salad Mix to the Availability for this week.

Also worth noting is a delicious prepared and ready to gobble Gluten-free Greek Pasta Salad from MY DAILY BREAD, along with some new additions to their Jams and Jellies and a couple new Bread and Dessert options.

In other News, in case you were wondering, the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST will be open YEAR-ROUND, so you’ll be able to get fresh, all-natural vegetables and lots of the other wonderful products available from the Harvest through the Fall and Winter.


REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Alan Vining
Market Manager

Madison GA:  The market is open!!!!!!!!

See everyone Wed!!

Russellville Community Market:  RCM Opening Bell

Welcome to another RCM Market Week!

Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!

Happy shopping! Eat Local!

Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.

Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.

Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!

Russellville Community Market